notes from the cloud (01.13)

word cloud of notes taken in January 2013 in iOS Notes app

Fresh off grad school, I find myself still possessing a strong appetite for reading and note taking. But that is as far as my writing goes these days: notes, in the cloud, left to linger, very little precipitation. While preparing to write an article for conference in May, I returned to the notes that I’ve… Continue reading notes from the cloud (01.13)

anxiety, sacrifice, and aggression (2.3)

9-11 Shipping Container Memorial

“No matter how many valuable functions the city has furthered, it has also served, throughout most of its history, as a container of organized violence and a transmitter of war.” With my graduate studies completed, I’m coming back to my little project here of posting something regularly in response to the chapter headings and content… Continue reading anxiety, sacrifice, and aggression (2.3)


a Twitter bot that coordinates weekly mini-occupy movements at a different privately-owned public space in New York City. [Started in 2012]

noise city radio

from NoiseCity Radio promotional video

Noise City Radio combines the location and classification of all noise complaints logged in New York City’s 311 system and combines it with audio recordings of noise. [2012]

toward oceanic consciousness

Consciousness, says R.G. Collingwood, is “the kind of thought which stands closest to sensation or mere feeling. Every further development of thought is based upon it and deals not with feeling in its crude form but with feeling as thus transformed into imagination.” On this definition Gene Youngblood launches his idea of synaesthetic cinema in… Continue reading toward oceanic consciousness

Categorized as films

The Materiality of Deletion

photos "deleted" from facebook took months to be removed from the URL

April 2011, Critical Themes in Media Studies, The New School, NYC

Categorized as talks

the paleolithic-neolithic union (1.8)

the cultural union of neolithic and paleolithic peoples. so masculinity dominated and sadistic rigour took over from easy-paced routine. advent of masculine gods associated with power. myths of force and aggression. “Neolithic woman had as much reason to be proud of her contribution as Nuclear Age woman has a reason to be apprehensive over the… Continue reading the paleolithic-neolithic union (1.8)

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