Urban Tactics and Media Ecologies for Civic Action

7 day workshop in July 2012 conducted by Nitin Sawhney, Shriya Malhotra, and myself. The workshop examined how art, design, and technology can be used to support citizen engagement and enable public participation to transform urban conditions.

The workshop looked at how activists, municipal agencies, and businesses all perform in the urban environment by producing, exchanging, and acting upon information in different ways, based on examples from New York and Moscow. Participants investigated how media and technology can inform tactical strategies and support civic actors in neighborhoods and public spaces in Moscow.

The workshop examined how to connect and network activists in cities on shared themes and areas of interest to support individual efforts across the city and foster a spirit of collaborative DIY urbanism and participatory, action-supporting research.

Process and outcomes from the workshop are presented online on the workshop blog here: http://urbantacticsmoscow.wordpress.com

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